The Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging in Metallurgy and Petrochemical Industry

Metallurgy and petrochemical industry often operate under high temperature and pressure, which comes with some safety risks. In this case, we can resort to science and technology to reduce accidents. Infrared thermal imaging, for example, is an ideal option. An infrared thermal imager integrated by an infrared detector, core or module, can convert invisible infrared radiation emitted by objects into visible thermal images. The application of infrared thermal imaging in metallurgy and petrochemical industries is as follows.

1. Temperature monitoring of furnace inner wall

During production, it is necessary to monitor temperature of furnace inner wall as abnormal temperature will damage furnace or lead to safety accidents. Infrared thermal imaging can detect at long distances and non-contact conditions, and staff can easily obtain temperature data of the inner walls of the furnace, which helps to solve problems in a timely manner

2. Fault detection of process pipeline

There are many pipelines transmitting industrial materials in the petrochemical field, most of which are harmful. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety and stability of production, pipeline leakage detection is very necessary. Infrared thermal imaging can comprehensively inspect the temperature of pipelines, allowing staff prevent from accidents by noticing abnormal temperature areas.

3. Operation monitoring of equipment

Some high-temperature equipment, such as furnaces, reactors, etc., require combustion during operation. The operational status of equipment is crucial for production safety and productivity. Infrared cameras can monitor temperature of equipment 24 hours a day, and transmit the thermal image in real time to the terminal. Alarm can be activated as soon as abnormal temperatures are detected. In terms of production efficiency, infrared thermal imaging helps staff control production temperature and reduce waste of resource.

To sum up, infrared thermal imaging has played an important role in the metallurgy and petrochemical industry. It not only improves production efficiency, but more importantly, enhances production safety, making significant contributions to the sustainable development of the metallurgy and petrochemical industry.

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